Author: Ashley McMillan
State: | QLD |
AU Rank: | 7 |
1. Where do you mostly fly?
2. Which pilots most influenced you?
I was lucky enough to spend the first couple of years as a novice flying with Shane Hill, his mentorship accelerated my development as a XC and competition pilot allowing me to fly safely and progress early in my career. I am till reaping the benefits of that association.
3. Where and what was your most memorable flying experience, best flight ever?
Every flight is a special experience, that's the beauty of our sport every day is different like a chess game always a challenge to read and optimize the day. Losing yourself in the experience
4. What is your favourite flying site in your State?
5. What is your favourite site in Australia?
Mystic Bright.
6. What is your favourite site in World?
Have not travelled enough to give a sensible answer to that question.
7. What is you favourite item in your flying kit and why?
My wing as it enables me to be where I like to be, high. The experience of flying a rag in the dynamic environment of the air consumes all of your attention, time stands still.
8. What do you believe to be your strongest flying skill?
Intuitive flying is my strength if I don't let my impatience and impetuousness get in the way.
9. What do you believe to be your weak link?
Being impetuous and impatient has led to many a disappointing outcome, allowing me to snatch failure in the face of victory.
10. What equipment do you use, Harness, Instruments, etc?
Genie Race 3 the "Rolls Royce" of harnesses, a great platform to mange your wing from. Flymaster Live - great vario, love the "growl" function, easy to setup pages with data that suits your needs. Crappy mapping though, therefore I use a Samsung Note with XC Soar for visual aids to tasks, airspace and navigation.
11. Best comp task you’ve flown so far, the most memorable?
My first task win ever. First task of the Canungra Cup 2011 - Speedrun Interval from Beechmont to Boonah T, launched, climbed out and took the first gate alone had a dream run to Boonah T landed and waited and waited 40 minutes for the next glider to arrive even beat the retrieve bus to goal. Made me realize for the first time that I could win tasks.
12. Why do you fly?
Because I fly I laugh more than other men I look up an see more than they, I know how the clouds feel, What it's like to have the blue in my lap, to look down on birds, to feel freedom in a thing called the stick… who but I can slice between God's billowed legs, and feel then laugh and crash with His step Who else has seen the unclimbed peaks? The rainbow's secret? The real reason birds sing? Because I Fly, I envy no man on earth. — Grover C. Norwood
13. What are your personal flying goals?
To fly some big terrain like the Alps, to do a big distance flight where I am still flying at that magic time at the end of the day just before sunset. To continue competing in our national competitions enjoying the fellowship of our paragliding community.
14. What tips can you give to newcomers to the sport?
Be patient, spend time on the hill watching a day develop and decay, you don't always have to fly to learn, fly when you feel comfortable relying on your own assessment of conditions, never frighten yourself by taking too much risk as the fear you will carry will either endanger you, retard your progress or drive you out of this amazing sport.