Author: David Snowden
State: | VIC |
Glider: | Ozone Enzo 2 |
Flying For: | 26 years |
AU Rank: | 12 |
WPRS: | 334 |
1. Where do you mostly fly?
Bright Victoria
2. Which pilots most influenced you?
All the compys and free flyers from the beygone era of the Naughties... we were a bit maveric back then and oddly the big names from then (UK) are still kicking at cloudbase now... although only a handful still on comps... The Squad has a strong contingent of World quality pilots, we all live n learn on every flight, so i guess now most influence comes from those quality pilots i get to fly with...
3. Where and what was your most memorable flying experience, best flight ever?
Hundreds of stories from a myriad of places with people, probably still the best free flight experience was flying at over 7200m (23,000') in the Karakorum in Pakistan in 2004. Climbing over 5 vertical kilometres and still not topping out on the Peak of Rakaposhi.... for sure loads of wonderful places that I've been fortunate to fly... all rather special.. all over the world...
4. What is your favourite flying site in your State?
5. What is your favourite site in Australia?
6. What is your favourite site in World?
7. What is you favourite item in your flying kit and why?
My pee tube and nic stick... no need to enthuse... yeah but the Enzo2 is a bit of a useful weapon...
8. What do you believe to be your strongest flying skill?
Coming back year after year after year for more punishment.
9. What do you believe to be your weak link?
As above!
10. What equipment do you use, Harness, Instruments, etc?
Enzo2, Woody X-Alps, Flymaster SD + Kobo
11. Best comp task you’ve flown so far, the most memorable?
Comping there have been so many cracking tasks over the years. Recently I really enjoyed the 92k triangle we did in Bright 2016, Pete and Gareth got a jump on us early so it was catch up (if ya can) all the way round in typically awesome Bright Alps conditions covering the tips of our usual fly zone. Quite a trip. And the Kiwi 214 k record task.. so many in Goal !.. and racey all the way... typically pushed a bit too hard twice in that one and paid with several minutes lost... hey it was a great task !
12. Why do you fly?
Searching for Nirvana ! (sic)
13. What are your personal flying goals?
Mostly XC related. Site records interest me as it takes me to varied places. Also completing difficult challenges, like our 100km 'round the world' task at Beechmont. Also some vol biv plans that I would love to complete.
14. What tips can you give to newcomers to the sport?
Get Airtime. Go steady its a long haul. Stay in your comfort Zone and never be too complacent.. Flying can take you wherever you want it to...