Author: Jan Tupy
State: | QLD |
Glider: | Gradient Avax XC5 |
Flying For: | 3 years |
AU Rank: | 14 |
WPRS: | 360 |
1. Where do you mostly fly?
Wherever there's XC potential!
2. Which pilots most influenced you?
I started flying while living near Blackheath. There Andy took me under he's wing and was super gracious with sharing he's knowledge. Having the gift of pilots we respect break things down into simple context is priceless.
I was flying most days it was flyable & at that time Ado also shared the 'man of leisure' lifestyle that helped in making sense of what this flying thing is all about. With Mossy always there, like a father figure, to make sure I stayed 'safe'. I imagine I may have something to do with a few of those grey hairs ☺
Then I started realising more and more that to fulfil my potential I needed to stick to my golden rules of life. Be yourself, by staying true to yourself & don't be afraid to walk a path that may not be heavily trodden.
As I improved, I naturally seeking out pilots whose approach and views I reflected with....
3. Where and what was your most memorable flying experience, best flight ever?
I'll never forget how my path to pursuing XC was cemented, when things finally clicked. It was post the 1st comp entered - Canungra 2013 - having just completed a learn to thermal clinic prior to that, where I clearly recognised I was struggling to connect my 2nd and 3rd thermals with any sort of confidence and consistency. It was pure blind luck at that stage ☺
I stayed on for 5 days post comp & on the last day found myself having launched from Mt Tamborine and to my absolute bewilderment, flying from one thermal to the next - with no organised or coherent direction/line - for nearly 7hrs. At which point there was this pretty big mountain range blocking my path. I'm fumbling to find on my phone where exactly I am, so I could keep Tereza my trusty retrieve notified of where I am and flying to (this is pre owning a Spot). It was end of the day, with the sun dropping behind this imposing mountain range when I give her an update, "It looks like I've stumbled up on Cunningham’s Gap, love can you pick me up here?" Only to have the question of "Where's that?" come back at me. "You know love, the steep one we drove over to get here, with those sheer drops & massive rainforest trees". (This was our 1st time in Canungra)....
Knowing she was over an hour away and at this stage I was at roughly 900m ASL, north of Aratula and thought to myself I might as well kill some time, hang-around in this 0.5m/s climb, drift with it, stay in the air (purely to kill time) and I can land somewhere before those trees in front of me.
A good half an hour of this, drifting from Tarome towards the highway (my intended landing spot), I started to notice I was actually starting to climb to be in line with the top of the range, all the while being drawn closer and closer towards it. When I jagged a butter smooth thermal of between 1-1.5m/s that took me to 1670m and all of a sudden the world looked VERY different. I could see beyond the range, deep valley's which had landing spots that I recalled driving past only a couple of weeks earlier. The setting sun on the horizon drawing me in, so I went for it. Every meter I flew towards the spine, I maintained or gained a few meters more, everything was going up around me and for once in my life I was speechless. Grinning ear to ear, I was experiencing my 1st taste of 'magic/restitution air', while crossing north of Cunningham's Gap on my maiden 100+km over 3 turn points flight.
Things were never the same again ☺
4. What is your favourite flying site in your State?
I love towing, so anywhere it's flat and there's a winch!
5. What is your favourite site in Australia?
If talking hills, Bright holds a special place in my heart.
6. What is your favourite site in World?
Never flown overseas, will update in 3 months time.
7. What is you favourite item in your flying kit and why?
The Smartphone, hands down! Its absolute versatility in running flight applications, storing mapping resources, aiding navigation when landing out in the boonies, communication when in reception and my ability to earn an income with it, is unparalleled.
8. What do you believe to be your strongest flying skill?
The mindset. This sport is more mind than technique. Time to work on technique.
9. What do you believe to be your weak link?
My impulsiveness. Yet I'm very happy where it's evolved to in the 3 years of flying. Still a 'masterpiece' in progress ☺
10. What equipment do you use, Harness, Instruments, etc?
Avax XC5, Swing Connect Race, Swing Protect 3 Reserve, Oudie 4, Ascent Vario, Samsung Note 3, Spot 3, Sony Action Cam, Nikon Coolpix Auto Cam.
11. Best comp task you’ve flown so far, the most memorable?
Task 5 of Corryong Cup 2015. All the learning gained from fellow pilots, coupled with the hours invested in the air, racing finally clicked.
Plus anytime you fly over Mt Mitta Mitta and Pine Mountain, it's going to be spectacular!
12. Why do you fly?
Flying is the evolution of my life's journey thus far. It's an activity that confronts me on the deepest level, exploring the things that are dearest to me. Addressing self-discovery, performance in sport, travel, adventure, exploration, all played out in an environment that is constantly changing, with no 2 days or flights the same. A place where I get to test some theories on life, with pure instant feedback before it can be filtered or tainted by 3rd parties.
13. What are your personal flying goals?
Strong progress comes from hours and hours of analysed flight that has been learnt from.
Evaluate your mental strengths and weaknesses. Action the observations!
Surrounds yourself with pilots you admire and learn from them.
Remember to make your own decisions in this sport. That importantly are aligned with how you live and have lived your life to this point in time.
This sport is raw, played out in an environment of epic proportions. Be prepared to be confronted by it. With the level of progress and enjoyment reflecting (and going hand in hand) to our ability to deal with our personal blocks.